Kisa Foundation Uganda
– NFT Store

Education for all of us!

Its a community based organization helping vulnerable people in Uganda. The major aim is to help children achieve education, in a healthy and accessible environment with a vision of targeting schools, homes within the community. Specific objectives are education and care for orphans, health improvement as well as water and sanitation. KFU provides solicit scholastic materials for the pupils and schools. And brings together schools, pupils, teachers, parents, individuals and organizations for a common goal.

Strategies involved

> Artists onboarding to the NEAR blockchain

> generate a passive income for the Kisa Foundation Uganda

> create art for the future of our children

> help to sustain the income for KFU in order to provide school materials, teachers, etc.  


This project in numbers:



…create art for helping children in Uganda… 

…to have a proper education and a prosper future…

NFT minted

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Education is the key to success

We believe when you change a child's life, you change a family which can change a community and ultimately the world. To transforming the lives of children at risk, providing them and their future generations a productive future and eternal hope.

Education liberates the intellect

Kisa foundation Uganda is an affiliation to Kisa primary orphanage a school which helps to educate orphans and disadvantaged children in primary education. Kisa primary was founded in 1993 and it has been able to educate out 1758 children of which 754 are orphans. Unfortunately some of have not been able to acquire any further education after primary seven at Kisa.

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Our goal

To enable needy people and their family, households improve their quality of life by reducing poverty, diseases and ignorance and achieve sustainable development through community initiatives.

Everything is possible when we are one!

Its about care!

With your investment you support Kisa Foundation Uganda who will provide their pupils and orphans a proper education and give them hope for a prosper future.