Westminster House provides affordable addiction recovery and treatment programs for youth girls and women healing from addiction. The programs have a proven success rate and an excellent reputation of supporting clients to permanently exit addiction, returning to their families, workplace and their lives.
Since more than 40 years, Westminster House Society is a trauma informed, gender specific addiction recovery program in New Westminster, British Columbia.
Westminster House Society is a non-profit charity. The society offers addiction recovery services for youth girls, adult women and their families delivered both residentially and virtually. Westminster House is classified as a medium-sized organization that employs the best-cost strategy and strives to incorporate upscale services that is multidisciplinary and community based in order to provide a high value of service at an affordable price.
Westminster House accepts admissions from across Western Canada and beyond. The program has a broad range of services based on the biopsychosocial model and complemented with cognitive behavioral therapy, introspective writing, and motivational interviewing. Each client has a dedicated counsellor and support worker. Group therapy is 6 days per week and includes process and drug and alcohol education (Treatment Programs).
The program is non-smoking/vaping and has both private and publicly funded options available. Learn more and see our successes on Facebook.